Online Class Notes (Lily) [S]


all of the people–> everyone/ everybody 

Even though cannot be used with but. 
ex: Even thought it’s raining, but I didn’t bring my umbrella.
ex: Even thought it’s raining, I have to go to work.

last two weeks–> two weeks ago
two days ago= 两天前
3 years ago= 三年前
one hour ago= 一个小时前


newcomer= 新来的
ex: He is a newcomer, he’s not familiar with the company policy,

familiar (adj)= 熟悉的
ex: I am not familiar with other industries.
ex: you look familiar, have I seen you before?

ex: I joined Smart English almost 3 years ago.
ex: he joined the company two weeks ago.

Speaking exercise

Last two week, a new colleague comes. He’s a boy, he comes from another province, he comes to handover from a colleague who will have a maternity leave. I think he is very smart. My boss give a task to all of the people in my group, to think of idea, creative idea. Even though he is a a newcomer, but he was very calm. When he met this challenge, he first talked to us to know about the work process, then he made a summary and do a ppt, finally the ppt was selected as the good powerpoint to show at the annual meeting. I also think his mind is very active, he can think of something special. For example, today we all think a thing for the work, he thinks very quickly. We want to give a new name to the new app, he  referred to other app’s name.


Two weeks ago, a new colleague joined the company . He’s a boy, he is from another province, he came to takeover the position for a colleague who will have a maternity leave. I think he is very smart. My boss gave a task to everyone in my group, he wanted us to think of creative idea. Even though he is a newcomer, but he was very calm. When he knew about this challenge, he first talked to us to know about the work process, then he wrote a summary and did a ppt, finally the ppt was selected as the best powerpoint for the annual meeting. I also think his mind is very active, he can always think of something special. For example, today we all come up with an idea, he thought very quickly. We wanted to give a new name for the new app, he referred to other app’s name, and came up with a better name.