VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1. sharp (adj)= 清晰的 聪明的
ex: old worker ants still have a sharp brain
ex: You can keep your brain sharp by reading every morning.

2. immortal (adj)= don’t die 永生的
ex: some people want to be immortal like a vampire 吸血鬼
ex: some documentary纪录片 suggest that it’s possible for human to be immortal

3. reproduce (verb)= make babies 繁殖
ex: some ants can reproduce even when they are old.

4. prey (noun)= 猎物
predator  (noun)= 狩猎者
ex: an eagle can see its prey easily from above.
ex: Polar bears have no predators because of the environment.

5. isolated (adj)= 孤独的
ex: Mice, worms or fruit flies all have isolated lives.

6. clue (noun)= 线索 头绪
ex: I don’t know the answer, can you give me some clues?
ex: I’m clueless, why don’t you ask someone else?

7. dye (verb)= 染
ex: did you dye your hair? Yes I dyed my hair a month ago.

8. voice (noun)= 声音
ex: his voice is like a man. = he sounds like a man.

9. LGBT= lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender
ex: People are more open to LGBT nowadays.

10. DINK= double income no kids
ex: I like the idea of dink because couples will be truly happy without a baby.


Ielts reading: The secret of staying young

Pheidole dentata, a native ant of the south- eastern US isn’t immortal. But scientist have found that it doesn’t seem to show any signs of agin. Old worker ants can do everything just as well as the youngsters and their brains appear just as sharp. We get a picture that these ants really don’t decline,” says Ysavel Giraldo, who studied the ants for the doctoral thesis at Boston University.