VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


What are you afraid of? Why?


watch 猫鼠游戏 Catch Me If You Can (2002) (in English :p)

Speaking exercise

most of the girls phone they download some apps to automatic change your picture.
Eyes is bigger and more white and face is more V.
I think live streaming for sell something is good because most people can see the real goods.
For many people they just want to famous to earn more money depends on live streaming.
I don’t think it is good because you need to do something.
I think blind date is a way and you can go to some communities of books. They gather together to discuss some books or to share other people about some books.

There is a risk to meet a bad people because some people will take advantage of this app to lie to other people for borrow money. I have a colleague he download an app to meet some people and once he met a people and they talk a lot and for about 1 month later this boy ask to borrow him money so she just deleted.
She met her bf. This boy is colleague of last work and that time they don’t know each other and they met on app. Now they work for different companies.

Handsome man is strong, they look fit, being tall is better.

They need to, if you have a dog you need to take care of it and you need to take them to out of the door to wander everyday. In winter it’s cold.

it looks cool but it is scared. if the snake is golden color it is good but if it is black it is really scared. I really afraid snakes

most of the girls download some apps on their phone to automatically change/edit/retouch their pictures.
Eyes are bigger and the face is whiter and more V shaped.
I think live streaming for selling something is good because most people can see the real goods.

For many people they just want to be famous to earn more money.
I don’t think it is good because you need to do something.
I think blind dates are a way and you can also go to some book gatherings / literature clubs/groups.. They gather together to discuss about some books or to share with others about some books.

There is a risk to meet bad people because some people will take advantage of this app to lie to other people to/and borrow money. I have a colleague she downloaded an app to meet some people and once she met a boy and they talked a lot and 1 month later this boy asked to borrow money from her so she just deleted him/the app.
She met her bf. This boy is a colleague from her last job/company and at that time they didn’t know each other and they met on the app. Now they work for different companies.

For me a handsome man is strong, he looks fit, and being tall is better but not necessary/required.

They need to take care of the dog/spend time with it. If you have a dog you need to take care of it and you need to take it to outside to wander everyday/ you need to walk it everyday… In winter it’s cold.

it looks cool but it is scary. if the snake has a golden color it is good but if it is black it is really scary. I am really afraid of snakes.


earthworm 蚯蚓
Earthworms are used as baits for fishing

to lick: touch with the tongue
I licked the ice cream, it was delicious.

rough : not smooth
A cat’s tongue is quite rough.

to walk :
I walk my dog every morning.

live streaming : 直播
I watched a live streaming of the game.

personality 个性
He has a great personality and he is very handsome, he is the perfect colleague.

shape: how something looks
Many girls want to have a V shaped face.

to retouch : to make something better looking
I use 美图 to retouch my pictures

con artist: someone who cheats people
John is a con artist, he sold a painting to me but it was worthless.

literature : 文学
I joined a literature group

pearl 珍珠
she can watch a live streaming about pearls for several hours.


to borrow something from someone
I borrowed some money from the bank.

To lend something to someone
I lent my car to my friend and he crashed it. ( he isn’t my friend anymore)

something is scary
someone is scared