Demo Class Notes (Amis – Jesse)


– needs English for work and general self improvement. Currently has pretty low confidence but actually can make simple sentences. Work on building vocabulary to talk about her day and building sentences using conjunctions. 

Listening: 1
Speaking: 0.75
Pronunciation: 1.75
Writing: 1
1 year

推荐课程(每周)/ Your Recommended Course (Weekly)

F2F: 2

Writing: 2

Thank you for coming to meet us Amis! It was really lovely meeting you. If you have any questions about the notes or anything, please just ask us. 🙂
Jesse & Judy

Speaking exercise

I get up at 7 o’clock and I eat breakfast and go out because I will go to company. I use computer to work 8 hours.

I got up at 7 o’clock and I ate breakfast and went out because I wanted to go to work. I used my computer to work for about 8 hours.


Kindly reply to this email by the end of the day.

Please reply to this email….

If you would be able to reply by the end of the day, that would be great. 

It would be great if you could send me a reply before COB today.

COB – close of business

I used to play with her / I played with her before


why? because 
who? with 
where? at / in 
when? at / on / in 
for how long? for 
and then what? and then 

I go to work, to work, on my work.
I go to work to do some work on some project / on some things.

get / got 
eat / ate 
go / went 

I drink coffee in the morning because it is good and I can have more energy for work.

When do you first have coffee?
When did you first have coffee in your life? When I was 20 years old
Why did you start drinking coffee? My friends let me to taste



plan – a
plane – ay – plaeeeeen

zzz / zhhhh – little problem

amis –


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