Profile Update Class (Jesse) [S]

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Next update September 2019

Previous Levels

Listening: 1.25
Speaking: 1
Reading: 2.5
Writing: 1.25

New levels

Listening: 1.5
Speaking: 1.5
Pronunciation: 2.5
Writing: 1.5

Changes to profile:
Topics: Simple Life Topics
Teaching method + (Focus): Speaking Exercises (Grammar + Vocabulary) / Reading (Vocabulary) 

Homework type + (Focus): Writing HW (Grammar + Vocabulary)

Class Notes from today:


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Write about your daily life like at work + going to the gym. Which days do you do which things? what time…? etc.

Speaking exercise

Today I 8AM woke up. 10 AM come company, work until 12 PM. Every day I come company I will see my email and reply email about 1 hour. No lunch I usually in the work day jian shen, maybe in the 6 PM I still work.

Today I woke up at 8 AM and at 10 AM I went to work and worked until 12 PM. Every day I go to work and I will see / look at / check my email and reply to them for about 1 hour. I usually don’t eat lunch and in the work day usually I work out / exercise at the gym and I still work at 6 PM.


come / go
I come home at 10AM
= I am at home now
I go to Japan every year
= I’m in China now, not Japan

company / work / job / office 
company – like Apple, Smart English, Baidu
eg. I work for this company
work (v / n / n)
eg. I work every day and I have too much work. I go to work every day at 9 AM. = I go to work to work on my work
job – responsibilities / position 
eg. I love my job / I have a new job
office (n) – a place

turn off / turn out – guan
turn on – kai

straight – zhi de / zhi jie
eg. I went straight home

try / tried – shi yi shi
eg. I try to speak Chinese with Judy’s mum and dad but it is so hard!


I come here to learn English
I come here for English 

at / on / in / to

at + time – point 
on + day / weekend – things / on top 
in + period / month / year – inside
to = arrive
eg. I give to you
eg2. I go to the place