F2F Class Notes (Kyle)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Write a story about when you attended university and lived in the dormitory using ALL of this vocabulary. 


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Cloudy —> some clouds in the sky

Yesterday I eat ate gang guo niu wa –— frog meat stir fry

wa = frog

yahzi = duck

There is a restaurant near my home which offers this tasty dish/delicious food …

tasty dish = delicious food



accommodation = 住宿 to provide space for, like to make house, zhù sù]

example. How do you find/like the accommodations at our hotel? (the living place for short term stay)

to live = 我住在  zhu zai

ex. Where do you live ? (there are so many options to answer this) 

a home

My home is in Shanghai. 我的家在上海。

Godfrey White Dorm = college accommodations for students  , 宿舍

Is this Alice Z’s office? Yes, how can I help you?

“the warden came and said that I have to move out on Thursday….

warden – 经理 small boss小老板

I have to – I must, it is required to do so, necessary, rules or laws, or Mother Says So.

example. “You have to wash your plate after dinner” = a rule, to make good rules.

halfway between -中间之间-  1 /2 the entire distance, in the middle,

She doesn’t kindly . — > She doesn’t sound very kind / nice.