F2F Class Notes (Kyle)

I like to go shopping.

A tailor is a person who fixes clothes – They can repair and fix clothes.


to Alter (v) – to change, modify, edit

A tailor has the ability to alter clothing.

What do you want to change about your clothes ? 

I want to change the width. To make it wider.

difficult to say – hen nanshou

little phrases to help you learn a language- 

The meaning is hidden from sight- 意义隐藏在视线之外


build more vocabulary –  建立更多词汇 –

vocabulary – ci hui  词汇

I don’t know what to say – 

F*** it, YOLO**** 的,你只活一次。

First, I learned to speak Chinese in a survival sense. 首先,我学会了在生存意义上说中文。

If you study Chinese with this film, it will be very difficult.


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

Future Tense – for actions in the future, tomorrow, or sometime, 

I will study English… “What do you mean? Tell me more.” “Every single day this week. I am going to learn more.”

* I study English a little every daypresent tense 

I will go to Japan …. “When will you go to Japan? I don’t know, in the future someday.”

I will immerse myself in an English speaking environment …您将沉浸在英语环境中

Ting bu dong Listen NO understandI don’t understand ! 

Please speak more slowly. VERY SLOWLY.Ni hui  keyi shuo mai dien 

He is almost bald. 秃 He has very little amount of hair on his head. 

I studied English with Kyle for 40 minutes.