VIP Class Notes (George)


Review the new vocab


Urban vs Rural 

Screening-  when you go to the hospital to check for different diseases.

e.g. If I ever have kids, I will go to the hospital to have a health screening.

Down syndrome –  tangshizonghezheng a kind of disease that affects the IQ

Low income-  when you don’t get much money,you are low income.

Hepatitis B- yixing gan yan a kind of infection.

e.g. Hepatitis B can give 10% of people liver failure.

Cirrhosis- gan ying hua a kind of disease of the liver.

e.g. If you drink too much alcohol you might develop liver cirrhosis.

Saline-  a bag of water and salt used to rehydrate patients

e.g. Saline is the most common treatment they give you in the hospital.

Curtains- chuanglian things that you put to block the light

e.g. I bought new curtains for my bedroom. They block out all the light.