F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


demanding (adj): 1- needing a lot of time, attention, or energy:
E.g.: She’s a very demanding child.
E.g.: a demanding job/task
E.g.: She’s hoping to find a job which is more demanding intellectually.
E.g.: Police work is physically demanding and stressful.

reassign (v): 1-to give an employee a different job, or to arrange for an employee to work in a different place:
E.g.: It is unclear if the district will hire more mental-health professionals or reassign existing personnel.
E.g.: She has been reassigned to the U.S. embassy in Paris for a six-month period.

reassignment (n): 1-the process of giving an employee a different job, or arranging for an employee to work in a different place:
E.g.: District officials say the reassignments are the result of a district-wide restructuring plan.
E.g.: reassignment to sth -We have been assured that Ms Duprez’s reassignment to the community-relations board is not linked to any wrongdoing.

itch (n): 1-an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails:
E.g.: I’ve got an itch on the back of my neck.

itch (v): 1- to have or cause an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails:
E.g.: I can’t wear wool – it makes me itch.
