F2F Class Notes (Tanya)


edible (adjective) – means that you can eat it without harm

e.g. Some people say you can eat everything, but some things you can eat only once. Not everything is edible.

riddle – a verbal puzzle

e.g. An example of a riddle is: you can eat everything, but some things you can only eat once. What does this mean?

inscription – text carved in something (like a wall or ring)

e.g. Suzy got an inscription in her wedding ring.

puzzle (noun) – anything that is difficult to understand or a game that is difficult to complete and requires a lot of thinking

to be puzzled (adverb) –  to have something be a puzzle for you

e.g. I’m puzzled by math. Math is a puzzle to me.  

bride – 新娘

e.g. The bride looked beautiful at her wedding.

bottleneck – ping jin qi, period of stagnation, an obstacle to progress or production.

e.g. Once you’ve hit a bottleneck it’s hard to get over it.

jigsaw puzzle  – a type of puzzle

Image result for jigsaw puzzle


chef – sjef


Today’s teenagers are growing up more slowly. Researchers looked at the behaviour of 8 million teens in seven countries over the past 40 years. Today’s teens are not as responsible as teenagers from the 70s, 80s and 90s. A professor said their development has slowed down. She said today’s 18-year-olds are like 15-year-olds used to be. She said teenagers are taking fewer risks than they did before.

Today’s teenagers take longer to do things their parents did. They are older when they date, work and drive. The professor said they have a, “slow life strategy”. More teenagers live with their parents instead of renting their own room. One reason for this is teenagers spend a long time online. They use social media, look at videos or play games instead of living in the “real world”. Another reason is parents do too much for their children.