F2F Class Notes 24th April (Cricket)


contagious-  causing or likely to cause the same reaction or emotion in several people; catching; infectious

eg. Laughter is so contagious.

eg. I don’t want to go to school because I have a contagious cold.(sickness)

eg. A sneeze can be contagious. (achoo!!)

motivate/motivation/motivating– encourage- or a cause or reason to act

eg. The teacher motivated me to finish my homework.

eg. My friends motivate me to exercise with them.

eg. The professor’s speech was very motivating.

routine– an unchanging or habitual method or procedure

eg. Every year I get a routine check-up at the hospital.

eg. Having breakfast is very routine for me

eg. I have breakfast every morning it is my daily routine.

concluded/conclusion-to come to an end:close-to come to a decision or agreement-the outcome

eg. The show concluded with a dance routine.
eg.The committee concluded on a course of action.
eg. We have concluded about the project.


A study shows that physical activity is ‘contagious‘ because of social media. Researchers at the Massachusettes Institute of Technology found that people who post details of their exercise patterns on social media sites motivate other people to be more active. Researchers tracked the exercise routines of 1.1 million runners over a five-year period. They looked at the runners’ social network use, distance, time, speed and the calories burned. The researchers concluded that sharing exercise data on social media can inspire others to exercise more, harder and more competitively.

The study includes accounts of how reading about a friend’s exercise can be inspiring. It said: “An additional kilometre/kilometer(US) run by friends can inspire someone to run an additional three-tenths of a kilometre, and an additional ten minutes run by friends can inspire someone to run three minutes longer.” Social media improved the performance of slower, less in shape runners, and of those who were showing signs of overtaking a friend’s performance. A researcher said: “In general, if you run more, it is likely that you can cause your friends to run more.”



exercise– ex-ur-size
