F2F Class Notes 16th September (Tony)

Yesterday was a traditional festival in China.

…So I didn’t work

Yesterday was a Chinese holiday.

How did you get to class today?


Alcohol: Beer, Wine, Liquor(Bai jiu) “I don’t drink alcohol”

Headache: pain in your head eg: “I got a headache from drinking”

Visit: go to a place or go see someone eg: “I visit my brother in Beijing sometimes”

make-up: to do something you missed before eg: Sunday is a make-up work day” “Because friday was a holiday/ Because Friday I had the day off”

get to: arrive eg: “I got to work early today”

Holiday: a special day for the country. eg: “Christmas is the biggest holiday in America.”

“Spring Festival is the biggest holiday in China.”

Festival: people come together to celebrate something. eg: “There is a music festival this weekend”