3 Month Review Notes 27th February (Celeste)***

Next Class: Review your Listening, Reading, Speaking skills.

Writing exercise

I watched everyone loves Raymond recently. One episode is about the disaggrement on money between Raymond and Debra. Raymond wanted to persuade Debra to invest a program. After two sales men finished their presentation, Debra refused Raymond. He discussed with those two sales men, was it posibble he could withdraw his deposit which the amount was 1000 dollars.Two men said no, all these money had been used on the presentation. At night, he confessed this to his wife Debra. She freaked out and packaged all bedding to sleep in another room. The day after, Debra listed a housework price for Raymond. If he could do washing once, he would get 50 dollors. When he was arguring with his wife, his mother got into the house. Accidently, she leaked a secret which she lent 5000 dolors to Debra. At last, Debra and Raymond were even.


I watched everyone loves Raymond recently. One episode is about a disagreement about money between Raymond and Debra. Raymond deposited $1000 into a program without telling Debra. He wanted to persuade her to invest so 2 salesmen went to their house to give a presentation. After they finished their presentation, Debra refused to invest. Raymond discussed with those two salesmen if it was possible that he could get a refund/ get his money back / withdraw his deposit. They said no because all the money had been used on the presentation. At night, Raymond confessed this to his wife/Debra. She freaked out and grabbed all her/the bedding to sleep in another room. The day after/Next day, Debra made a chore chart for Raymond. If he could do the laundry, he would get 50 dollars. When he was arguing with his wife, his mother came in to the house to do laundry. Accidentally, she leaked a secret that she lent 5000 dollars to Debra when Debra needed money to buy sth for Raymond. At last, Debra and Raymond were even.

Writing Level before: 2.5

Writing Level now: 2.75

Plan: Write more stories about TV shows and focus on the sequence and upgrading vocabulary.


apartment community/compound

they were playing on the slide. – not an activity

they were playing football. – activity

naughty = mean / aggressive / sneaky/ rowdy / mischievous  (miss – chee – V – iss )

if sb teases sb it means they are playing jokes or tricks on sb.