2xVIP Class Notes (Cynthia)


Marble – 弹弹珠
A little ball made out of hard substance.
E.g- I used to collect marbles  when I was younger.

Orphanage – 孤儿院
A place where kids with no parents stays and grow up.
E.g- We have a weekend excursion to the orphanage.

Rugby – 橄榄球
A popular sports played in the America.
E.g- My team lost in a rugby match yesterday.

Scholarship – 奖学金
A program where the student fees is paid by the school.
E.g- My brother managed to get a scholarship gave by his school.

Intern – 实习
E.g- My office hired some intern to help us out with the up-coming project.

Vietnam – 越南
A country located in South East Asia
E.g- We travelled to Vietnam during summer holidays.