2VIP Class Notes (Li)


Prepare a topic for next class. You need to share this with me at the start of next class.


chemistry – the interaction between two people

intimacy – emotional closeness between people

ex. Intimacy helps to strengthen bonds in human relationships.

congeniality – a friendly supportive relationship between two equals

indifference – to not really feel anything

hostility – when you are unfriendly and get into a conflict

firstborn – first child

rebellious – naughty + not wanting to follow the rules

Speaking exercise

Siblings will help us to develop emotional and social skills.

Having siblings will help us to develop emotional and social skill.

Siblings is helpful for our lives and communication in childhood.

Having siblings help to build/develop skills from childhood.

These five emotions are common in the lives that you communicate with your siblings.

These five emotions are common in the relationship that you share with your siblings.

The smaller the age gap, the more they see each other as rivals.

The most responsible child always be the first one.

The most responsible child is always the firstborn.

They will always be disadvantaged but it will not affect their personality.

The IQ is slightly lose down

Their IQ will drop 

The first they are try to explain why the first one will be more intelligent.

The point she is trying to make is why the firstborn is likely to be more intelligent.

Mostly, siblings will benefit from each other, but small kinds of situation, this is not true.

Most of the time, siblings will benefit from each other, but for some situations, this is not true.