2VIP Class Notes (Li)


Do these two writing task 1s



Pick a task 2 to do from your book.


consolidate – make sth stronger

ex. consolidate memories/learning

stable – steady

amnesia – a condition where you lose your memories

mollusc – snails

thaw – when ice becomes liquid

Speaking exercise

I’m studying Chinese, Maths, English, Physics and Chemistry.

Yes, I think every subject is interesting for me. For example Chinese, I can read those texts and poems from our ancestors and this is a very interesting way to get known to them.

Yes, I think every subject is interesting for me. For example for Chinese, I can study those texts and poems from our ancestors and this is a very good way to get to know them.

I don’t want to change my major because when I choose to study a major, I will make sure that I am interested in it, so I rarely change majors because it takes extra time to study the basics for every major.

I prefer studying on late nights like 12 pm or something because at that time I can easily concentrate at late nights.

I prefer studying during late nights at around 12AM because at that time I can easily concentrate/concentrate better.

I spent around 7 or 8 hours each day because I go to school but the maximum time I spent is 12 hours because I go to the art room to paint something because it took a lot of time.

I spend around 7 to 8 hours each day because I go to school but the maximum time I’ve spent was 12 hours because I went to the art room to paint something and it took a lot of time.

I worked very hard to finish my high school entrance exam two years before. I had to finish the high school entrance exam to get to high school. However, my math was very bad at the time. I only got 40/100 score. I spent a lot of time asking my teachers for help doing many math questions. I spent a lot of time and I worked a lot of late night and it was a terrible experience. Finally, I passed the exam and entered the high school. It was a great experience because I achieve the goal with my hands and it means a lot to me.

I worked very hard to prepare for my high school entrance exam two years ago. I had to take the high school entrance exam to get into my favourite high school. However, my math was very bad at the time. I only got 40/150 score. I spent a lot of time asking my teachers for help and doing many math questions. I remembered that I usually stayed up late and it was a terrible experience. Finally, I passed the exam and entered the high school. It was a great experience because I achieved a goal that was very difficult for me at the time so it means a lot to me.

Writing exercise


1)Paraphrase what the process shows

2) Overview of the process (you can put steps into groups)


1) Giving details of the process

2) Include each step

3) Prioritise by writing clearly. Then vary with short/long sentences