2VIP Class Notes (Ally)


  • work on the “nowadays people under pressure” intro
  • practice task 1 speaking
  • MEMORIZE the outline word for word


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow children

to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In a busy and crowded world,

we should not expect people to be polite to others.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Young people do not have any

influence on decisions that may affect the future of the world.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The food we ate in the past

was healthier than the food we eat today.


Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while

others think they should spend more time educating students. What is your view?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The rapid growth of cities can

be seen as a positive development of society.














occasions such as graduation or birthday, it is better to invite a lot of people instead of

only inviting friends and family members.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The world is changing quickly.

People are less happy than before.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The world is changing quickly.

People are less happy than before.













characteristic for a political or business leader is the ability to accept the responsibility

for their mistakes.


futile: useless

unfruitful : no productive

permanent: always forever

Speaking exercise

  • the following reason/state = the next
  • intro= background info = do not touch right on topic yet( until thesis)

Topic: picture on resume?

R1: invasion of privacy
R2: employers might be biased

I agree that people shouldn’t include a photo of themselves on the resume. First of all, I think our looks are our own private matter. There is no reason to place a private photo on a resume. Our future job has nothing to do with our looks/appearance… Which brings me to my next point – if we put pictures on our resumes, it may create opportunities of bias for the employers. The employers may judge us based on our looks and not on our abilities. This is very unjust to employees who are capable but less good-looking. So I think …

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When applying for jobs, people should not include a photo of on their resume or job .Use details and examples in your response?

2. Children learning to play musical often want to stop taking music lessons because they don’t like to practice. Some people think that children should be made to continue taking lessons. Others think that children should decide for whether or not to continue. Which view do you agree with?
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Some people prefer to with the group members on line when working on a group project. Others prefer to do the project with the group members face to face. Which one do you think is better?
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Some people prefer to spend their free time with a group of friends. Others prefer to spend their free time with just one person at a time. Which do you prefer? Why? Use details and examples in your response
5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to spend time learning about the history of the place where you live.
6. The school is going to record the lecture of classes and release it on the website the next day. Do you think it’s a good idea? Explain why.
7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school.
8. Which of the following extracurricular activities would you recommend children to take? Playing sports, playing music, or visiting art galleries? Explain why.
9. Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why?
10. Our lives often change in unexpected ways, describe something you have done recently that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do

å¥åº·é¥®é£Ÿ A healthy diet
平衡的饮食A balanced diet
å¥åº·çš„é¤é¥®Healthy meals
多样化饮食A varied diet
饮食增加å˜åŒ– Add variet to diet
多样化饮食 Varied food culture
饮食éžå¸¸ä¸°å¯Œ Have a diverse diet
食å“丰富The richness of food
丰富的食物 The richness of food contents
让饮食更加多样 Add some variety into your diet
好的饮食习惯Good eating habits
教一些好习惯teach good habits
æ高饮食习惯improve eating habits
ä¸åƒæ—©é¥­çš„人Breakfast skippers
ä¸åƒæ—©é¥­ Skip breakfast
准点åƒæ™šé¥­ Eat dinner at a normal time
很晚åƒæ™šé¥­ Have dinner later

å¥åº·é¥®é£Ÿ Healthy eating
åƒçš„很å¥åº· Eat healthily
出于å¥åº·çš„原因 For health reasons
è¥å…»é¤ Dietary supplements
è¥å…»æˆåˆ†Nutritional content
åƒäº”份蔬èœå’Œæ°´æžœ Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables
增加蔬èœæ°´æžœçš„æ‘„å…¥ boost fruit and vegetable intake
以蔬èœä¸ºåŸºç¡€çš„食物 plant-based food
新鲜的食物 Fresh food
饮食习惯eating habits
饮食习惯dietary habits
å‘布饮食指å—issue dietary guidelines
é¥®é£Ÿæ–¹å¼ dietary patterns
天然的食物unprocessed meals
å¥åº·çš„食物 healthier alternatives
æ¯å¤©çš„饮食in everyday food and drink
注é‡èº«ä½“å¥åº·çš„饮食ahealth-conscious diet
å¥åº·çš„选择healthy choices

ä¸æ‡‚得使用数字工具的人 digitally challenged
æˆä¸ºæ•°å­—工具的玩家join the digital community
互è”网技术Internet technology
现代信æ¯æŠ€æœ¯ Modern information technologies
高级信æ¯æŠ€æœ¯ Advanced information technology
ä¿¡æ¯å’Œé€šä¿¡æ—¶ä»£ The information and communication age
ä¾é ç§‘技è”系的时代 In atechnologically connected age
数字时代 In the digital age
ä¿¡æ¯æ—¶ä»£Information age
数字世界 The digital world
数字科技 Data technology
利用大数æ®çš„力é‡Harness the power of big data

环境方é¢çš„å½±å“ Environmental impact
环境代价 Environmental costs
ç ´å环境 Ruin the environment
ç ´å环境 Wreck the environment
推进环境管ç†å·¥ä½œ promoting environmental stewardship
ä¸é¡¾åŽæžœçš„ç ´å者 Reckless destroyers
对环境的å±èƒ Environmental risks
ç ´å环境 destroy the environment
伤害环境harm the environment
æ¯å环境 damage the environment
环境æ¯åenvironmental damage
污染环境 pollute the environment
çŽ¯å¢ƒçš„æœ‰å®³å½±å“ Detrimental effect on the environment
环境问题 Environmental issues/problems woes
环境æ¶åŒ– Environmental degradation

在…末尾 By the end of
在下é¢çš„5å¹´ Over the following five years
在…å¹´å’Œ…年之间 Between the years …and…
在…开始 By the beginning of ..
在那个时候 At that time
剩下的时间 The remainder of the period
剩下的时间 The rest of the period
从2018年开始 From 2018 onwards
在10年的时间 In 10 years’ time
和2016年相比 Compared with 2016
当å‰çš„åå¹´ current decade
å³å°†åˆ°æ¥çš„åå¹´coming decade
接下æ¥çš„åå¹´ensuing decade
下个åå¹´following/next decade
上个åå¹´last decade
过去åå¹´past decade
在此之å‰çš„åå¹´preceding decade
å…ˆå‰çš„åå¹´ previous decade
最近åå¹´recent decade
最åŽåå¹´closing decade
最åˆåå¹´early decade
整个åå¹´entire/full/whole decade
战åŽåå¹´post-war decade
花å年时间 spend a decade
跨越åå¹´ span a decade

高尚的èŒä¸š A noble profession
追求高新工作 Pursue high-paid careers
高薪工作 Highest-earning careers
一个值得奋斗的èŒä¸š A worthy career path
辉煌的事业 brilliant career
显赫的èŒä¸šç”Ÿæ¶¯distinguished career
绚丽的事业 glittering career
æˆåŠŸçš„人生事业good/great/successful career
有å‰é€”的事业promising career
å¯èµšå¤§é’±çš„事业lucrative career
富有æˆæžœçš„èŒä¸šç”Ÿæ¶¯prolific career
有æˆå°±çš„èŒä¸šrewarding career
èŒä¸šèƒŒæ™¯ Career background
惊人的æˆå°±amazing achievement
很大的æˆå°±considerable achievement
æ°å‡ºçš„æˆå°±extraordinary/outstanding achievement
良好的æˆå°± fine achievement
伟大的æˆå°± great achievement
é‡è¦çš„æˆå°±important achievement
令人赞å¹çš„æˆå°±impressive achievement
é‡å¤§çš„æˆå°±major achievement
æžå¤§çš„æˆå°±monumental achievement
æˆå°±ä¸å° no mean achievement
显著的æˆå°±notable achievement
真正的æˆå°±real achievement
éžå‡¡çš„æˆå°±remarkable achievement

èŒä¸šå‘展åœæ»žä¸å‰career progression is stalled
在èŒä¸šç”Ÿæ¶¯ä¸­ during the course of my career
èŒä¸šä¸æ–­å‘展progress one’s career
èŒä¸šå‘展 Career advancement
èŒä¸šå‘展 Career progression
事业有个飞跃boost/jump-start a career
èŒä¸šå‘展 Career development
专业ä¸æ–­è¿›æ­¥ Professional development
继续å‘展自己的事业Further one’s career
事业阶段career stages
工作机会career opportunities
èŒä¸šå‰æ™¯career prospects
èŒä¸šç»“æž„ career structure
èŒä¸šç›®æ ‡career goal
èŒä¸šç”Ÿæ¶¯çš„顶峰career high
èŒä¸šç”Ÿæ¶¯çš„亮点career highlight

An effective leader should try to make others feel that they are part of the decision making process.
R1: others also part of the community- they should be part of it-have a sense of presence and participation- full of motivation
R2: different ideas- different angles- fix vulnerabilities of the decision- perfect decision

It is important to make sure that others know about your strengths and accomplishments. If you are not so, you will be never successful in life.
R1: underestimate- low expectation- a man full of surprise- unpredictable potential
R2: hide yourself- learn from veteran- grow fast- pillar of the company

Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past.
R1: indifferent- selfish- no benefit for them- don’t help each other
R2: afraid of responsibility- negative effect- rather do nothing- avoid unnecessary risks
The place you choose to live has a greater effect on your overall happiness than the job.
R1: salary- money always effects happiness- more money people happier
R2: work environment – colleagues- people effects people- especially words- words like sword- hurt people badly

Writing exercise

Topic: people’s clothes represent their personality/character

As civilization develops, our society is more accepting of different wardrobe choices. Nowadays, people can basically wear what they want when they want. Fashion is one of the most prominent ways for people, especially the young generation, to express their opinions. People’s clothes/choice of clothes indicate their personality based on the elements of color and design.

R1: color
R2: design

Topic: Countries are paying attention to environmental problems. But the attention is not helping.

In recent years, pollution has become/for the past decade, pollution has been one of the biggest problems facing mankind. Most of the countries in the world are starting to pay their attention to these environmental issues. Unfortunately, this attention has not been able to produce any concrete results. / this attention has not been productive in terms of making the world more green. This attention is normally/usually/often theoretical and hard-to-execute/citizens are not willing to participate are the main reasons for the failure of environmental protection strategies/plans.

R1: The government’s attention are mostly directed towards theories.
– coal consumption
– smart car
– garbage sorting