2F2F Notes (Ally)



resign: quit

desperate: (因绝望而)不惜冒险的,不顾一切的,拼命的; 绝望的; 孤注一掷的; 铤而走险的; 非常需要; 极想; 渴望;

sarcastic: 讽刺

speechless: 无语的 说不出话的

confidential: 保密的; 机密的; 秘密的; 隐密的; 受信任的; 委以机密的;

hairdresser: 发型师



gullible:好骗的 易受骗的; 轻信的; 易上当的

clarify: make sth clear
ie. Can you clarify that for me?

convince: 说服

taboos:the things you shouldn’t do

cost effective: 有成本效率的,节省成本有效果的,本轻利厚的

premium: 优质。高端


unoriginal: 无创造性

gelato: italian ice cream

jars: 桶

money laundering: xi qian

Santa Claus: 圣诞老人

suspicious: (adj) 怀疑; 嫌疑; 感觉; 看法; 猜疑; 不放心 (n) suspicions (v) suspect
ie. My daughter suspects(v) the reality/existence(n) of Santa Claus.
ie. My daughter is/feels suspicious (adj) of/about the existence of Santa.
ie. My daughter has suspicions(n) about Santa.

hoard: 囤积; 贮藏; (尤指)秘藏;

life essentials: 生活必需品

gloat/smug: 沾沾自喜的; 自鸣得意的



could – willingness
ie.  “Could you speak English?” – I know you can, could you now?

can – ability
ie. “Can you speak English?” – I don’t know if you know how to speak English.

Speaking exercise

I’m too old for pimples.

you should good performance
you should be good/well-behaved.
you need good behavior.

I don’t say this meaning.
I don’t mean (v) that.
That’s not what I mean.
That’s not my meaning.
That’s not what I want to say.

the costumers don’t have the fresh feeling
the costumers feel it’s old and unoriginal 

for my personal career development

did you think it through

we need one month to handover my work

it could provide better benefits
international companies should offer/provide better benefits

we will talk about the performance, and the company’s strategy, then inform them of the bad news.

actually they’re not talk about salary near HR
actually they didn’t/don’t talk about salary near HR

they don’t = 事实 (general fact)/they wouldn’t = 不会(habit)

They cannot talk about the salary in the company among themselves.

I think it’s a good opportunity to meet some new challenges and I have a lot of similar work experience for this position.

I can have the opportunity to set up/build/create/form/structure/construct the cooperations/relationships/SOP/strategies/team.

in my old company…
in my previous company…

I think it would be less complex.

I think it’s totally different from what/the things/the work I have done before. 

Writing exercise

Ally’s homework
When you need to make a report to your leader, you should clear your goal and use the valid data to show what you have done and how effective it is. If the leader wants know more, you can elaborate the workflow gradually and the challerge you met. At last you can adjust the direction or way according to the guidance of the leader.


Ally’s homework
When you need to make a report to your leader, you should clarify(v of clear) your goal/make your goal clear and use the valid data to show what you have done and how effective it is. If the leader wants know more, you can elaborate the workflow / and … gradually and also inform him of the challenges you met. At last you can adjust the direction or way according to the guidance of the leader.