2F2F Class Notes (Ally)


insomnia: unable to sleep

decent: not too great, but very OK/presentable
ie. Do I look decent?
ie. He’s a decent guy.

skimp: 节省,吝惜(时间、钱等)

carbs: 碳水

“push through”: get through

sluggish: 行动迟缓的; 缓慢的; 迟缓的; 懒洋洋的

cram: 把…塞进; 塞满; 挤满; (为应考)临时死记硬背
ie. I have to cram in a meeting on Friday.

calcium: 钙


working process:process with stages
ie. How is the new project? It’s a working process.

sashimi: raw fish

fusion: 融合; 熔接; 结合; 核聚变; 热核反应; 合成音乐,混合音乐(尤指爵士乐和摇滚乐); (各种方式的)混合烹调;

tip/gratuity fee/service fee: tip

mandatory: 强制性的; 强制的; 法定的; 义务的;

voluntary: (adj) on my own
ie. I voluntarily quarantined for 14 days.

go out of their way

out of practice: rusty
ie. I’m out of practice.

consolation: 安慰

lenient: forgiving

health nut: crazy health person

tightly wound: 但他们会把自己逼的非常紧
ie. They can be pretty tightly wound

toxins: 毒素(尤指生物体自然产生的毒物)

impressive: (adj) impress

sarcastic:  feng ci (adj)
ie. sarcastic tone

ironic: 反语的; 讽刺的; (因出乎意料而)奇怪的,好笑的 opposite
ie. Can you imagine the irony?


Impress (positive word) vs impression (noun, neutral word)
You impressed me with your musical talent.
Your musical talent is very impressed.
Your musical talent gives a strong impression/left a strong impression on me.
First impressions are very important.

Speaking exercise

I’m regretting I didn’t ask for more time off.
I have been regretting not asking … 

I can’t see things clearly recently.
I haven’t been able to see things …

You cannot get rid of that.
You cannot give it up completely.

My body is becoming more effective
I can use the energy.

If I don’t start my day with a coffee,

I’ve never worked elsewhere.
I’ve always worked in SH.

I’ve seen people discuss the tipping culture.

I forgot about my speech = I forgot completely
I forgot my speech

It made me stopped by 10 minutes at the stage
It made me hesitate/It stopped me for 10 minutes on stage.

It impressed me a lot.
It left a strong impression (n) on me.