F2F Class Notes 25th June (Eddie)

stuck = to not be able to move

E.g. My hand got stuck inside the cookie jar.

Q: Where were you when you got the message?

Q: What were you doing when you got the message?

fly – flew – flown v.    flight n.
when I fly to Dongying I stuck in the airport – When I flew to Dongying I was stuck in the airport for 12 hours.

Luckily I had a first class ticket

The airline upgraded my ticket to first class. I thought it might be because of the delay, but it wasn’t. This happens sometimes. I think there was enough availability and decided to give some seats away.

I had to take a taxi from Dongying to Qingzhou because there is no train service from Dongying to Beijing. It took about one hour and twenty minutes. It took about / almost an hour and a half.

28 minutes is almost 30 minutes or almost half an hour.

an umbrella, but a uniform n
a hat, but an hour

gold card = jin ka
platinum card = baijin ka

dialect (‘dy – a lekt) = a regional form of a language

syllable = a part of a word (com – pu – ter, 3 syllables)

vowel = a, e, i, o, u, (y)
consonant = b, c, etc
