2 x VIP Class Notes (Mike)


flip (v) 翻,转
eg. He flipped the paper and saw more questions.

scratch one’s head 抓破头, 抓狂
eg. Today my mom didn’t wake me up and I was late for school, it was a head-scratcher.

peep (v) 偷窥,偷看
eg. Mr. Bean peeped the guy sitting on his right.

memorize (v) 背,记住
eg. My teacher sometimes makes us memorize poems.

edit (v) 剪辑
eg. This video has been edited.

base (n) 基地,基础,底座
eg. He gains power when he goes back to his base.

teammate (n) 队友
eg. Blue means you are my teammate.
eg. a bad teammate.

infinite (adj) 无限的
eg. You have infinite lives in this game.
eg. The universe (宇宙) is infinite.

tower (n) 塔
eg. Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔

assist (n/v) 助攻,帮助,助理
eg. In this game, he has 6 assists.

crystal (n) 水晶

chase (v) 追
eg. Tom was chasing (after)  Jerry.

axe (n) 斧子

ladder (n) 梯子

match (n) 火柴
eg. Light a match

burn (v) 烧,晒伤,烫伤
eg. Don’t play with fire, you could burn the house down.

imitate (v) 模仿
eg. Can you imitate Mr.Bean?

rescue (v) 拯救
eg. He was finally rescued!

tie (n/v)领带,系(带子,绳子)
eg. The bird untied the lace.

grab (v) 抓住,抓紧

hit (v) 打击,打,撞
eg. He got hit by a car when he was 5.

equipment (n) 装备


fall – fell
eg. An apple fell from the tree just now.

wake – woke 
eg. I woke up at 10am this morning.

Speaking exercise

Mr.Bean is in a classroom, taking an exam.

he pretend he was thinking
he pretended to be thinking

Because he can make money when he kills enemies and he can buy equipment with that money.

The bird don’t believe him
The bird didn’t believe what he said.