2 VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1.sweat (noun/ verb)= 汗/出汗
ex: I’m sweating because I ran here.
ex: I will sweat after I exercise.

2. sailor (noun)= the person who sails 水手 船员 海员
ex: the light can warn the sailors of danger.

3. Egyptian (noun)= people in Egytian
ex: The Egyptians built the pyramids.

4. create (verb)= 创造
ex: Who created the universe?
ex: I want to create a robot who can help me to clean my house.

5. Statue of Liberty= 自由女神像
ex: The Statue of Liberty is a gift from France to America.

6. automated= 自动的
ex: Tesla is an automated car.
ex: some planes are automated.

7. remind (verb)= 提醒
ex: he reminds me to do homework.
ex: My mom reminded me to bring my books.

8. knock (verb)= 敲
ex: please knock the door.


A lighthouse is a tall tower with a very bright light at the top. It is usually located near the coast to guide sailors at night and to  warn them of points of danger. The lighthouse acts as a traffic sign on the sea. Lighthouses have been around for a very long time. In fact, the ancient Egyptians built the first one, the Pharos of Alexandria in 280 BCE. It was the height of a 45 storey building. An open fire at the top was used as a source of light.

Later in history of lighthouses, candles were used to create light until the oil lamp was invented. In the late 1700s, a bowl mirror was put behind the flame of an oil lamp and this created a beam of light. The mirror made the light brighter and easier to see from a distance. In 1886, the Statue of Liberty became the first lighthouse to use electricity.

Today there are 18000 lighthouses in the world. Most of them are automated and some are powered by solar panels, but a few have even left in their original state to remind us of their important role in history.

Speaking exercise

A long time ago, there was a boy, he thought his shorts was small, he needs to buy a bigger one. But now he haven’t any shorts to wear. He ate the sausages and bread, he opens the window and saw a sheep. He cuts the sheep’s hair and made shorts. He went to the city and want to bought a new shorts, but he haven’t enough money to buy it. He came back home and took the sheep to the city. A good people bought it and he has enough money to buy shorts.


A long time ago, there was a boy, he thought his shorts were small, he needed to buy a bigger one. But now he doesn’t have any shorts to wear. He ate the sausages and bread, he opened the window and saw a sheep. He cut the sheep’s fur and made shorts. He went to the city and wanted to buy a new pair of shorts, but he doesn’t have enough money to buy it. He came back home and took the sheep to the city. A good person bought it and he had enough money to buy shorts.