2 VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1.predict (verb)= 预判
ex: You can predict which ones will be popular.

2.partner (noun)= 伙伴/合伙人
ex: He’s our partner, so he will share his resources.

3. from time to time= 时不时的
ex: I will delete inactive contacts from time to time.
ex: I will dye my hair from time to time.
ex: The teacher will check on us from time to time.

4. inactive= 不活跃的 闲置的
ex: inactive volcano
ex: Most of the contacts are inactive.

5. active= 活跃的
ex: You need to activate your new credit card.

6. debit card/credit card= 储蓄卡/信用卡
ex: I only have one debit card.

7. embarrasing (adj)= 尴尬的
ex: It’s a little embarrasing to call them back.

8. carb= 碳水化合物
ex: You need to cut carbs when you want to lose weight.

9. whole wheat bread= 全麦面包
ex: I eat a piece of whole wheat bread every morning.

10. cardio= 有氧运动
ex: You need to do cardio exercises.

11. stretch= 拉伸
ex: I like to stretch after working out.