2 Online Class Notes (Ally)



bar graph

line graph

replace “interesting” “good” “bad” “important”



controversial: debatable

in-person/face-to-face: offline classes

tuition: student fee

debt/loan: borrow money (n)

systematic learning


kill time

impulsive(adj)/sudden impulse (n)

settled down in SH

fierce competition

relative: (n) 亲戚

Speaking exercise

I taught my friend how to volleyball

  • good at playing volleyball because I learned in my high school
  • college- PE lessons – my classmate. we need to have a test. -> try her best but cannot pass- ask for help
  • I feel delighted – teach her
  • she feel happy and she passed the test successfully
  • In future, I will play volleyball with her again.

I’m a bit nervous but I’m feeling OK.

I’m good, just feeling a little bit nervous.

I’m good, I’m ready.

I majored in /studied law. But a few months ago, I actually made a very important decision. I actually had a realization. / Something weird happened.

I don’t know what job I should take but I think I want to be a photographer.

My dad gave me a camera as a birthday present to me.

explore photography (n)

Writing exercise

Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children.
Others believe this has negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give your own opinion


Before the widespread usage of iPads and TVs, children had other ways of entertainment/children spent their time a lot differently than they do today.
– Previously, they can …… Nowadays, they only … + THESIS
– people think this is neg -> however, + THESIS / I agree with this opinion. + THESIS

R1: Outdoor activities benefits children more./has more benefits for children.
– physical development
– make friends/socialize/learn more about the world
– when they’re playing on the computer all day -> bad for eyes + body

R2: Through real activities in the real world, children can get more useful knowledge./ There are also some important disadvantages for children to learn the world through TVs, videos, and computers.
ex) playing in the park/meeting diff people vs. playing a virtual game.
ex) filter information? accurate info?

\Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but
some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?


diff govt-> diff policies
should support students -> reduce pressure + encourage more

– different country diff govt have different policies to encourage higher learning.
– some govt provide subsidies for students while others believe it is the students’ individual responsibility.
Thesis: govt should support students’ higher learning in order to reduce students’ pressure and encourage more students to pursue further education.

R1: Govt support can reduce students’ pressure
– student debt – no opportunity to work/full time student
– ex) student depression/ years to pay off student debt

R2: Students from poor families/with financial problems cannot take advantage of further education/college education.
– high tuition fees
ex) Chinese govt choose to subsidize students who cannot afford school.

All students should have the same opportunity to improve themselves and pursue higher education.

Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but
some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?

– Due to COVID, more online classes vs before.
– Thesis: Online classes cannot replace in-person classes because attending a college or university A, and B.

R1: Offline classes give students more complete/comprehensive studying environment
– classroom atmosphere – teachers, peers
– questions and answer by teacher directly -> interact/discussion in person

R2: Online classes are not as convenient as people believe.
– some students don’t have access to equipment/computers
– technical problems – ex) internet connection etc.
-> neg impact on student’s learning exp.

  1. INTRO

Opening sentence (background info) -> lead sentence -> controversy -> opinion(thesis)
1. old -> new
ie. Throughout the history of mankind …
2. big -> small
ie. transportation -> smart cars
3. concept -> specific
ie. motivation/inspiration -> arts
4. common phenomenon

2. R1: train hard, lots of time
– lots of time training, no personal time
– in their personal life, ex) diet, exercise … physical problems need treatment+compensation

3. R2: can be role models for society, which is very valuable
– govt and society promotes them as idols, esp for young people -> more responsibilities
– ex) often on TV shows/speeches/news/publicity – > need to role models at all times

– should not be questioned because A) lots of time B) important role in society

– summarize R1+R2
– Restate opinion
– Look to the future/ bigger concept

1. other perspective -> student/school, society/self
2. other aspect -> cost effective

1. some think… people think … the common perception …some claim …
2. 3rd person thesis statement (ie. However, considering R1 + R2, sports professionals have enough reason to earn a high wage.)
3. IMO , FMP – less