2* F2F Class Notes (Maddie)


用这节课学到的动词过去式造句:went, came, did, ate, saw, played

Today we focused on:

unit 7: past tense 过去时

大部分动词的过去式形式比较简单,原型+ed. e.g. want ->wanted; design -> designed; paint -> painted, play-> played;
少数不规则 drink – drank; draw -> drew; come->came; see->saw

Writing exercise

I like to the supermarket .
He likes to the shopping mall.
You love to summer.
James loves to math.
表示喜爱的动词 like& love 是及物动词,加名词不需要to;后加动作的时候加to do
He listens to music .
I listen to e-book and e-journal.
Younger brother goes to an internet cafe.
Mom goes to grandma’s house.
I come to english class.
he comes to play basketball.


early: 早的
e.g. yesterday I came home early.


trigraphs: spl,

spl: splash 溅, splendid 壮丽的, splatter 泼溅, splits 分开
the water splashed and splattered out of the tub.

squ: squeeze 挤压, squash, sqaure 正方形,  squeak 尖叫, squad 一队人, squirrel 松鼠
the squirrel ate a big squash.
squa: /skwau/
squee/squea: /skwii/

spr 试着读快一点: sprain 扭伤,sprout 豆苗;spread 涂抹; sprinkles 撒在顶上的装饰; sprinkler 喷水装置
e.g. i sprained my ankle while running through  the sprinkler.

str: straight 直的 , stream 小河, strong 强壮, string 绳, straw 吸管, stretch  拉伸
the straw floated down the stream.

shr: shrink 缩, shrug 耸, shrine 神庙, shriek 尖叫, shrimp 虾 , shrub 灌木丛
the girl shrieked behind the shrub.

scr=skr: scrape 刮, screw 螺丝钉, scraps 碎片, screen 屏幕, scrub 擦洗, scream 尖叫
Anna scraped her arm on a big screw.

thr: three, throne 宝座, throb 抽痛, thread 线, throat 喉咙, throw 扔
Pat threw three balls to his dog.

ou: /au/

ea: /i:/ or /e/
/i:/: sea, weak, meat
/e/: bread, spread

ie: /i:/

in: /ain/ find, behind

ow: /eu/ c.f. ew: /u:/

word-end ‘ed’: three different ways to pronounce
1. end with ‘t’ or ‘d’: /id/ –> wanted, floated, decided, needed;
2. end with ‘p’, ‘k’, ’f’, ‘s’, ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘x’ and ‘th’: /t/ –> ‘washed’, ‘mixed’, ‘dropped’, ‘kicked’, ‘sensed’ and ‘watched’
3. the rest: /d/ –> ‘colored’, ‘called’ and ‘loved’.