F2F Class Notes (Kyle) [S]

Next Class Focus

Yim wants to learns new vocabulary and new things outside of boxing and his job at PMI. Also wants to improve speaking / pronunciation for workplace and casual environment.


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

Homework #1:

Create 5 longer sentences with “which, what, when, where, how”

Which – describe an object or an idea – “and it”

Who – describe a person – “and they”

When – describe a time – “at that time that”

Where – describe a place – “and at that place”

Homework #2:

Write new sentences, review have you been with the 3rd person. You are talking to someone about someone else.

“How long has Jesse been working at Smart English? How have your classes with Kyle been?

Write some examples of when you can use “…Have you been ….’

*The progressive past tense includes a specific time: Recently… In a time period of months, to weeks, to days, or today.. but not more than 6 months/year.

  1. Have you been training at the gym? I haven’t been training in the past 3 months.

2. Have you been playing games online? I have been playing games online recently.

3.Have you been learning a new language? I have been learning French for 14 years.

4. How have you been?  I have been … (insert emotions here) GREAT / BUSY / WELL / NOT SO GOOD RECENTLY / TOO TIRED /Hungover today (past tense)/ VERY HAPPY / VERY SAD … or just Good. (these words are adjectives)/ super frustrated/ 

Speaking exercise

Tell me what is going on with your work life at this time/now. 

I work 5 times per week. I go to work at 9am then I get off work at 6pm. I also have OT because I have lot of work to finish before the weekend. I have been (continuous past) working at PMI for 3 months. W


Articles such as At, to

At = an article, used for times, places,

Progressive tense: have + been

I/you/we/they have been … She has been.

Past= I am still hungover today. I was hungover.

Present= I have a hangover/ I am hungover… maybe we drank too much last night :S

5.  For how long have you been dating with your girlfriend/working at PMI/learning English at SmartEnglish/here?

I have been dating with her for 6 months/half a year.

I have been working at PMI for 3 months.

I have been learning English here for around 3 months.


Adjectives for expressing emotional state of being :

frustrated = you have a problem that you cant fix, frUHS-ter-8ed.

focused = to keep your mind on thing, to be effective, hard-working, focused on my work

surprised = eg. something just happens which was not expected/ JUST BOOM !

feeling inspired/motivated = you are happy to continue to do things



Needs more review

Previous Class 2/24


motivation= MOU tivation

expired= ex BI yerd  **sp is sb sound** ( special, spill, spells, spring, spit, experience, expand, expels)

store= s door **st is sd sound** ( standard, stand, stream, steam

all (ball, stall, call, fishball)


1.get off work/ leave work 下班

ex: I get off work at 7pm because I always need to work overtime (OT).

2. expired = something is past the timeline when it is good.

e.g. The food is expired… Its past the date when it is no longer acceptable/good.

e.g. Yim’s previous/former gym membership has expired.