VIP Class Notes (Joe)


Choose a more contemporary TV show to help you build your vocabulary and improve your listening. You may enjoy The Office (US), Community, or Downward dog.


I have a great weekend by laying in my bed
I had a great weekend, lying in my bed

I had a great weekend, except one thing, my boss text me to ask if I can check in the flight for her
I had a great weekend, except that my boss texted me to ask if I could check her in for her flight

She called me before they on board
she called me before they boarded

The gate hasn’t confirmed yet
The gate hadn’t been confirmed yet

What was the most exciting experience for you since you came to China?
What has the most exciting experience been for you since coming to China?

My friend has been watched this show for 10 times
My friend has watched this show 10 times


The quality of the show has been fluctuating in the last season

board (verb)
The passengers boarded the flight at 9 P.M.

on board (adverb)
The passengers were all on board by 9:15 P.M.

lonely (adj)
The lonely girl cried because she wanted a friend

alone (adj)
I was alone all day and I loved it.

in the mood (want)
I’m in the mood for some ice cream


fluctuate (flak shoo wait)