VIP Online Class Notes (Nemo)


the fitting room is currently occupied-试衣间现在有人住

retail (n): 1-the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops零售,零卖
E.g.: The job is open to applicants with over two years’ experience in retail.这份工作面向有两年以上零售经验的求职者。

sale (n): 1-特价销售;廉价出售;大减价
an occasion when a shop/store sells its goods at a lower price than usual
E.g.: The sale starts next week.特价促销从下星期开始



up to (ad):less than or equal to, but not more than, a stated value, number, level, or time:
E.g.: You have up to ten minutes to finish your lunch.
E.g.: Our Summer discount will be up to 35%.

contact lens (n): 1-隐形眼镜, a small round curved piece of transparent plastic, worn on the surface of the eye to improve your sight:
E.g.: I usually wear contact lenses, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired.

university degree-大学学位

day shift -白班,早班
night shift -晚班(n)-a period in the night during which a particular group of people work夜班
People who work (on) the night shift are paid more.-上夜班的人薪酬高一些。

Are you on the night shift or the day shift? (= Do you work during the night period or the day period?)
Tomorrow I’m on the day shift.