VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


  1. boarding pass- 登机牌

2. boarding gate-登机口

3. passport-护照

4. visa- 签证

5. credit card -信用卡

6. cash- 现金 ex: I only have cash, I don’t have cash. Can I pay with credit card?

7. currency exchange- 货币兑换 ex: Excuse me, do you know where is the currency exchange?

8. napkin: 纸巾 ex: Excuse me, can/could I have some napkins?

9.lighter- 打火机 ex: Excuse me, can/could I use/borrow your lighter?


  1. ai- letter a sound

maid, rain, pain, lain, train, brain

2. ay- letter a sound

bay, tray, lay, ray, always, spray

3. eigh- letter a sound

eight, sleigh, weigh, weight,

4. a_e : letter a sound

make, game, lame

5. oi- oh ei

join, toilet, noise, noisy

6. oy- oh ei

boy, Troy, toy, soy milk,  joy

7. sc- –> sg sound

scorn, scatter, score

8. str—> sdr sound

stride, strive, stream, stray, astray


If you didn’t understand what the flight attendant said, you can say Sorry? or Pardon? to ask him or her to repeat it. NO HAH? WHAT?

If you want to ask for something, you can use the phrase “Can I have…?” or “Could I have…?” Practice your pronunciation with these common requests:

Excuse me, do you know where can I check-in for _____ Airline?

Do you have checked bags? Yes/ No

Excuse me, where is the bathroom/ washroom?