VIP Class Notes (Kyle)


Tongue Twister: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

Write the meaning for these words and make sentences: 

decide =
need =
host =
Respond to =
schedule =
A book vs. to book =
guide =
enjoy =
provide =

Joe and Gen’s Vacation Story Notes: 

to enjoy … ( some sun, a holiday, delicious food, nightlife, to party, nature, swimming, scuba diving=dive deep, snorkeling=dive shallow, )


scuba diving – to dive under water very deep with air on your back
eg. I went scuba diving last year

snorkeling – dive shallow
eg. I went snorkeling in Thailand

become blacktan
eg. I want to get a tan


Double R’s such as “Your ride” and “water rafting”

Wet vs. white – “weht” vs “w eye t”

tired and retired * vs teared (to rip something apart)

hotel suite and sweet