VIP F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Learn the Shapes! rectangle/oval/pentagon/hectagon/octagon


Iron – 铁

Mining – 采矿

Pick-axe – tool for mining (in minecraft)

Houses – many house

Heart –

Character – someone from a movie or game (not real)

Oval – egg shape

Rectangle – long square

Penta – means related to 5
eg. Pentagon has 5 sides

Hecta – means related to 6
eg. hectagon has 6 sides

Octa – related to 8
eg. octagon has 8 sides

Chest – a box with something inside (usually valuable) 

Question mark – ?

Armor – protects you             

Checkered – design 

Empty – has nothing/no one inside/on
eg. There was one empty seat at the restaurant

Wait – 等
eg. I don’t want to wait to play minecraft (MC)

Almost – nearly/very close
eg. The restaurant was almost empty/We are almost done class

Opposite – 相反

Volcano – 火山

Lava – very hot liquid from volcano
eg. The volcano is filled with lava





How hungry your character is