VIP Class Notes (George)


Try and find a copy of “Chronicle of a Blood Merchant”


Pancreas-  (yixian) A small organ near the liver that lets out bile to digest things, and also insulin to control blood sugar.

e.g. My colleague died of pancreatic cancer.

Diabetes-  A disease that is when your body can’t control your blood sugar levels.

e.g. Many people in north America suffer from diabetes.

Bile- A kind of acid produced by the pancreas to digest food in the stomach.

e.g. If I eat food that is too acidic, I will burp up bile.

Dissolve- when something melts down into nothing, especially for things you put in water or acid.

e.g. The vitamins I take usually have to be dissolved in water before I drink them.

Operation/Surgery- When you go to the hospital and the doctor cuts you open to treat a disease.

e.g. I had to go have surgery to have my bad teeth removed.

Dissect- When you cut open something to examine it.

e.g. In high school, we dissected a mouse and a frog.

Deja Vu- the feeling you get when you have been somewhere or seen something.

e.g. I went to a cafe and had the feeling of deja vu.