VIP F2F Class (Lily)[S]


1. worried/ worried about= not sure if someone is ok

ex: If my dad doesn’t pick up his phone for 2 days, I will be worried.

2. shy= when something happens and you blush

ex: When I go on the stage to sing, I will be very shy.

3. scared= you are afraid of something

ex: When my mother shouted at me, I was scared

ex: I am scared of lions, my Chinese teacher, ugly faces.

4. What did you get on your test? 你考试考了几分?

I got (a number) on my test.

5. US/USA= 美国

6. noon= 12 pm, when you eat lunch

ex: I eat lunch at noon. I feel sleepy at noon.

7. chat 瞎聊聊= talk

ex: When we have dinner, I always chat with my family.

8. boring= nothing to do.

ex: School is boring when there’s no homework.

ex: I think math class is very boring because it’s easy. I can do everything.


I cut the hair--> I got a haircut.

She always test -> she’s always doing a test.


review= re v YOU

Speaking exercise

Can you tell me the last time you were worried about something or someone?

I worried of math test, because my mother is a math teacher. If i test is bad, she can shout and play my pipi. I not review because I’m busy. The test is difficult but my math test always good. I got 98 percent.


I was worried of the math test, because my mother is a math teacher. If i do bad on a test, she will shout and hit my bum/butt. I  didn’t review because I was busy. The test was difficult but my mark/score for math has always been good. I got 98 (percent).