VIP Class Notes(Luca)


We read from the book “Diary of a wimpy Kid”


Argument Noun ( When two people fight over something using their words)

e.g He won the argument about whether or not we could eat ice-cream for dinner.

Argue (verb)

e.g. Mum shouted at us to stop arguing

Appropriate (suitable) 合适

e.g. In China it is considered not appropriate to wear shoes inside the house.

Hook you up (this is a very casual phrases, it means “I will get you what you want”)

Charity (慈善机构)

Trash (垃圾桶)

Catalog (产品目录)

e.g. The bird swooped in and stole my sandwich

e.g to wrap a gift in wrapping paper

To show up (to arrive somewhere)

e.g Hank showed up at his english lesson at little late.

Come through for someone ( to help someone out)

e.g When my dad brought me a cup coffee while I was studying, he really came through for me.

Pull it off (to do something that is a bit difficult
e.g. He was able to pull it if (means he did something successfully)

Native speaker (if you are native Chinese speaker it means that Chinese is your first language)