VIP Class Notes (Whitney) (S + W)


Start researching for your trip to Boston and New York.

Use the Smart English WeChat account to revise English every day.

Next Class Focus

Continue revising new vocabulary and use your new words to write new sentences.

Margaret loves philosophy and meditation, could be good future topics to explore.

Writing exercise

How do you feel when you listen to the whale’s songs? 

I listen to the whale’s songs when I sleep or when I’m reading books. It makes me more pay attention to something. When I read the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud it can stimulate my brain and make me more imagine and make me the new look (outlook) to see the world.

I listen to the whale’s songs when(before) I sleep or when I’m reading books. It helps me to increase (improve) my attention span. makes me pay more pay attention to  something. When I read the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud it can stimulate my brain and make me more imagine imaginative and make me have a new look (outlook) to see the world.

Margaret’s New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Improve Studies
  2. To be a better actress
  3. I wish that the person that I went to Iceland with stays with me forever.
  4. English Vocab to improve up to 4,500 words



increase – 提高
philosophy – 哲
psychologist – 心理学家
rough – 粗鲁
rule – 规定
dialogue – 对话
entertaining – 有趣
version – 版本
v 9.0.1
be sure to – 一定要
original – 原件/原版
features – 特点
tissues – 纸巾
incredibly – 非常
recycling – 回收
characters – 角色/人名
recommend – 推荐
appreciate – 感激/感恩
lobster – 龙虾
whale – 鲸鱼