VIP Class Notes (Whitney) [S + W]


Draw two ways a water can change into a different kind of matter. Write about the changes.


heat: 加热 

pointy: sharp edge
Yuan Bao’s teeth are pointy

Writing exercise

Solid, Liquid and Gass.

There are 3 types of Matter.
The bubbles in a glass of soda are a gas.
Solid is a type of matter with a shape.
Lava is a type of liquid.

Almost everything around you is a matter
A gas 
is a kind of matter that does not have a shape.
Water is a liquid
Water will freeze into an ice cube. An ice cube is a solid.

Gases are matter that you can’t see.
Ice is a solid.
When you heat a pot of water, it turns into a gas.

For lunch today, I had rice, rice is a solid. I also had a bowl of soup it is a liquid.

Speaking exercise

Draw different types of matter.