VIP Class Notes (Whitney) (S + W)


Using Is

He is waking up

He is doing homework

Using Is with A

He is throwing ball

He is defeating a tiger

She is painting picture

She is reading a book

Using are

They are getting married

They are going on holiday


knight (n) 武士
evening/night = 晚上
The kings’ knights of the round table.

outfit (n) 衣服
What will your outfit be for the party?

helmet (n) 头盔
We wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle

store-bought 店内购买
My birthday cake was store-bought, not homemade.

costume (n) 服装
Iron Man has a heavy costume

remembering (n) 记得
I am remembering my spelling for the test later


choice = choy-ess

crossed = cr-oss-ed

seriously = see-ree-ous-lee