VIP Class Notes (Whitney) [S]


Prepare your argument for tomorrow’s debate. First, write your argument in Chinese about your opinions regarding “false refugees” and how you would determine who can receive refugee status.

Next Class Focus

Debate: Immigration, who should be deemed as a refugee and who should be allowed to move into a new country safely


uninterrupted [adj] not to be disturbed,
The silence in the countryside is practically uninterrupted

complimented [v] when you say something nice to somebody
“Wow, those glasses look really good on you!”
“Thanks for that compliment”

apparent [adj] something clear or real
It’s so apparent that you and your husband really love each other

praise [v] expressing admiration, respect or gratitude
Religion – Praise God.
We are filled with nothing but praise for the actors in this movie. Couldn’t have done it without them.

errand [n] short journey needed to complete a chore or task
Going to the post office, getting the groceries and paying bills are all errands.

anticipate [v] when you expect something
I anticipate a big present this year for Christmas

appreciate [v] when you value and respect somebody or something
I appreciate you for helping me to do the laundry

cost of living [n] 物价 price of everyday items
The cost of living in London is very high

education [n] the process of receiving instruction or learning/going to school
My husband prefers the education system in America

refugees [n] people who are escaping their current country for political/economical reasons and seeking for a safer life in another country
There are many refugees travelling to the US to seek for a safer life


5 Love Languages Test: Results were

9 Quality Time
6 Physical Touch
5 Acts of Service
5 Receiving Gifts
5 Words of Affirmation

Quality Time: Time spent together alone, just between two people where you really connect and have great memories.
Physical Touch: Hugs, kisses, holding hands etc. Physical Actions
Acts of Service: Things your partner does to help you out
Recieving Gifts: Presents
Words of Affirmation: Support, compliments, saying nice things to you without a particular reason

Speaking exercise



Q: Where would you most like to immigrate to and why?
A: If you ask me, I will say if I have a chance to immigrate, I will choose London. London is the best city in my heart, I went two months ago. I think London is amazing because after learning art, I feel that the city is very meaningful to me. Except for the fact that the cost of living is too high, everything is perfect for me.

A: If you ask me, I will say that if I have a chance to immigrate, I will choose London. London is the best city in my heart, I went two months ago. I think London is amazing because after learning art, I feel that the city is very meaningful to me. Except for the fact that the cost of living is too high, everything is perfect for me.

Q: How do you feel about the immigration issues in modern society? Should immigration only be for the wealthy? 

A: I think there are two different types of immigrants

Three types of immigrants:

  1. People with an above average lifestyle with considerable wealth who are seeking for an even better lifestyle.
  2. “Real Refugees”
  3. People who are not in danger but just want to get a better life 不劳而获 – reap where one has not sown/profit from other people’s hard work