VIP Class Notes (Whitney) [S]

Next Class Focus

Topic: War & History

Speaking exercise

Q: Do you believe in religion and if yes, what does your religion give you. If no, why not?
A: I don’t believe in religion but many Chinese also don’t. You’re willing to believe that if you do good things you wil l get a good result.

Karma. – if you do good things, good things will come, if you do bad things, bad things will come to you.

What goes around, comes around.

So many chinese have visited budda temple in the past and show respect to the budda statue even though, they are not Buddhist.

Q: After the Cultural Revolution, religion was discouraged amongst Chinese people. How do you feel about that.

At that time, people wanted to beat every relgion. It was terrible, really really terrible. People did not trust themselves e.g. husbands don’t trust their wives, brothers/sisters (siblings) also fight against each other. We destroyed a lot of culture history. The average person is not relgious. Maybe in the country side, farmers believed in relgion, but people who lived in downtown didn’t believe in religion. At the time of the Cultural Revolution no one dared to believe in religion. After the cultural revolution a lot of people started to believe in Christianity. People who still live in the countryside, they tried to believe in Buddha and a few of them believed in Christianity.


I saw someone who believed in Christianity who believed in Christianity in my hometown

Confuscious: 儒家

Buddhism: 佛教

Imperial Dynasty

Q: There are 5 major religions in the world: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Judaism. If you had to choose one, which one would you choose for yourself and your family.

Hinduism: major religion in South Asia (India) 印度教

Immortality, people live forever and are reincarnated. Hindu Gods.

Sikhism: 锡克教 Punjab religion of India

Judaism: 犹太教

Jewish people, they also read the bible like Christians but they have different beliefs.
Jewish people

sin – the things that we wrong
when we are born, we are sinners.