VIP Class Notes (Whitney) [S]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Next Class Focus

Continue the topic about culture, comparing Chinese vs. Western and see what other differences you can find.

Create a writing exercise on this topic.


compatibility [n] two things or two people that can be together without any problems or conflict
Even though they argue a lot, they are still very compatible.
This program is compatible with the others.

Confucian [n] 孔子

Marxism [n] The theories of Karl Marx

Proletarian [n]
The proletariat must possess the truth of Marxism.

Democracy [n] a system of government where the citizens are able to elect their own representatives.

Two-party system [n] Two major political parties that dominate the government. The seat of power is likely to be won by any of these two parties during an election. E.g. US: Democrats and the Republicans. Australia/UK: Liberal and Labour Party

aromatics [n] a plant or ingredient that has distinctive smells
Star anise (八角茴香), cinnamon (肉桂), cumin (小茴香), chilli (辣椒), coriander (香菜), chives (小葱)

regional [adj]
 relating to an origin or region of a place
Chinese food is not just one type but has many types of regional cuisines.

hierachy/hierarchical [n] When a group of people are ranked according to status or importance
Traditional government entities are run based on hierarchy, they have a very strict order.

open plan office: open seating in the office, allowing everyone to feel more equal.

work adjustment: 调休
Making up works days after a public holiday.

insecure [adj] 缺少安全感
Chinese people would feel insecure if they stopped working.

Speaking exercise

Speaking Topic: Culture
People with different thinking from different countries because we have different culture and lifestyle.

Chinese Culture:

  • Chinese culture is more traditional
  • Parents still treat adult children as “kids” and take care of everything
  • Arranged Marriages: husbands and wives are decided by the parents
  • Religious Belief System: Ancient Chinese had Buddhism and Confucianism. Modern China: most people don’t have any religious belief.
  • Political System: One-party system. The government would rather Chinese citizens follow the beliefs and theories of Karl Marx (Marxism) and proletarianism.
  • Food/Eating Habits: Chinese people prefer to eat “family-style”. Many dishes to be shared with many people. Spices and aromatics. Star anise (八角茴香), cinnamon (肉桂), cumin (小茴香), chilli (辣椒), coriander (香菜), chives (小葱), garlic (蒜)
  • Work Culture: employees working in government institutions are more controlled, however, they don’t have much pressure from their job. The working pace of government institutions is slow (inefficient) and people don’t have objectives and are not very busy in general. In regular companies, are more western. Employees are able to propose or suggest things to our boss and everyone is equal. Vacation time (5-10 days of annual leave)

Western Culture:

  • When you’re 18 years old, the family will “let you go”
  • Marriage based on love and compatibility
  • Religious Belief System: Christianity, Catholics, Judaism. In Western culture, there is very little political pressure to conform to any one religious belief.
  • Political System: Two-party system. Operate under a democracy.
  • Food/Eating Habits: One plate per person is one meal. Sharing side dishes. Spices and aromatics: parsley (荷兰芹), basil (萝莉), garlic (蒜), onion (洋葱), black pepper (黑胡椒), paprika (辣椒粉)
  • Work Culture: Open plan offices, open communication, big emphasis on work/life balance, vacation time (4 weeks)