VIP Class Notes (Whitney) [R+ W]


Continue reading this and draw your own conclusion.

“R U OK day” (second Thursday of September every year)


star sign/zodiac sign: ꘟåŗ§

justify [v] show or prove that something is reasonable.

spike [n]Ā a sharp increase

improvise [v] to perform or to create spontaneously or without preparation.

insecure [adj]a feeling or a person who is not confident or uncertain about themselves and their decisions.

self-doubt [n]Ā lack of confidence in one’s self or abilities.

multiple personality disorder

ECT (ElectroconvulsiveĀ Therapy) shock therapy/electric shock therapy

perscribe [v] giving meidcation or treatment

psychiatrist (perscribe medication) / psychologist (listening ear)


In March, I went to Phuket Island to learnĀ toĀ diveĀ / divingĀ with my friends. After (the) training in the pool on the first day, weĀ wereĀ headedĀ outĀ toĀ the realĀ sea / we headedĀ forĀ the sea.Ā WithĀ AfterĀ a 5 hour- trip on the boat, we arrived at the diving spot near the Raya island. The scenery was breathtaking, you could even see the colorful fishes in at aĀ 2-meter depth under the sea. Quickly putting on the diving equipment and the suit, I was eager to jump into the water. Everything went smoothly, I floated on the sea for a while, and then started to dive inch by inch. Later, my ears began buzzing, although feeling uncomfortable, I decided to ignore it and continue getting (going) deeper, for it is normal because of the pressure under the sea.

When landing on the sea floor, we began practising basic skills and mocking preparing forĀ dangerous situations. One practice was taking off the goggles, cleaning it and putting them on again. Thatā€™s scary for me because without goggles means your noseĀ is not protected is out of protection. If you accidentally breathe with your nose, you will inhale or chokeĀ onĀ water into it, which is painful. So I was supposed to breathe withĀ my mouth under water. During my practice before, I always held my breath while doing these sequential actions. However, with the uncomfortable ears, I was extremely scared and began shaking when taking off the goggles. As expected, out of instinct, I breathed with my nose, and I choked with water. The sudden pain triggered me to flee from the sea, so without adieu (hesitation), I kept kicking my legs and diving up. But the coach dragged my panicked feet and pointedĀ to the place above my head. There was a boat about to leave with the propellers spinning fast. I was too shocked to move,Ā so the coach used his body languageĀ to tell me telling me to calm down and get back to the sea floor. After we gotĀ back on the boat, the coachĀ said with a very serious tone, told me that I should never ever diving diveĀ up without checking the environment, and I could be dead if he hadnā€™t dragged me.

In the following 2 days, although I overcame the difficulties and get gotĀ my diving certificate, I stillĀ do not dare to dive without assistance.