VIP Class Notes (Whitney) (R + W)


Look at the vocabulary list:
Pick out 10 that you do not understand

Choose an interesting article from this website to practise your reading skills.

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Next Class Focus

Go through the vocabulary that you missed from the last lesson’s homework.

Writing exercise

  1. I want to learn how to wear contact lenses. (3)
  2. I want to learn to read English news very quickly. (3)
  3. I want to go to Europe for a holiday this year. I haven’t been before. (8)
  4. I want to go to the gym twice a week. (5)
  5. I want to spend less money and buy fewer things. (2)
  6. I want to live an exciting life. (6)

On a scale of 1-10, 1 being not confident at all and 10 being very, very confident, how sure are you that you can complete all of these resolutions?

If your answer is any less than 7, you should minimise your goal to make it more achievable.

  1. I want to go to the gym twice a week. once a week

Vocabulary objective is 6,000 words for 2019.
Learn at least 2-3 new words a day.


Contact Lenses

Okinawa 冲绳
I went to Okinawa during the New Year Eve holiday.

resolution (n) 决定下决心 similar to goal, objective, target
New Years Resolutions are like promises that we make to ourselves to improve on something in the new year.

initiate (v) 启发 make the first move to do something
I showed initiative at work to finish the project first.
Don’t wait for me to initiate everything.

sheer (adj) 透明 when something is clear
She was wearing a sheer dress.
(adverb) 完全
Sheer luck.
Sheer bravery

envious (adj) when we are jealous of someone
Nice shoes! I’m so envious that you always have the latest style.

carried out (直行) when you start to finish something
Can you carry out the following tasks for the project?

improviser (n) 即兴诗人 when you do/someone who does something on the spot.
On the spot = 当场

I always improvise my speeches.
I don’t know what to do, can you help?
I don’t know either, just improvise.

intriguing (adj) 迷人/有趣 something that is really interesting and makes you curious.
His personality is very intriguing and I enjoy talking to him.

contemplate (v)  思考 when you seriously think about something for a long time
I have been contemplating these changes for a long time.

insecure (adj) 缺少安全感 when you feel unsure or uncertain about yourself
I am insecure about speaking English in public.

timetable (n) 时间表 a schedule
I have a timetable for daily tasks to ensure my own efficiency.

efficiency (n) 效率 doing things quickly and well
I have to be a very efficient person when learning English.

buzzing (adj) 充满活力 something is full or has a lot of energy
New York is a city that is buzzing with so many different kinds of people.

procrastinate (v)  耽搁 when you stop doing something you are supposed to do.
Many students procrastinate from doing homework.

unconventional (adj) 不常规 when something is not normal or traditional
She has some unconventional ideas, they are quite interesting.

ambiguous (adj) 不明确 something that is unknown or a mystery
How do you feel about this issue? Don’t be so ambiguous.

initiative (n) 主动 somebody who makes the first move or does something first
Thank you for taking the initiative to finish this project.

perseverance (n) keep doing something for a long time, even after you fail
To finish a marathon (马拉松赛跑), you really need to have a lot of perseverance (毅力)