VIP Class Notes (Whitney) (R + S)


exercise (n) 运动
I exercise by walking my dog

push up (n)  俯卧撑
A push-up is a type of exercise using my arms

sit up (n) 仰卧起坐
A sit-up is a type of exercise using my tummy

energy (n) 能量
Exercise gives me energy

yoga (n) 瑜伽
Yoga is a type of exercise for stretching your muscles. It is Zoe’s favourite.

muscles (n) 肌肉
It is important to stretch your muscles before exercising.

scientist (n) 科学家
Scientists are very smart people.

healthy (adj) 健康
I enjoy exercising because I want to be a healthy boy.

lungs (n) 肺
I breathe with my lungs.

stretch (v) 拉伸
Stretching is like a comfortable pulling of your muscles.

coincidence (n) 巧合
It was a coincidence that we read a story about a naughty kid today because I was naughty today too.


I am walk my dog
I am walking my dog

We add -ing to the end of a doing word to denote an action.


whole: like “hole”, a silent w
yoga: yo-ga
stretch: st-retch
coincidence: ko-in-see-dence


Diary of a Wimpy Kid – “I’m sorry women”

This is a coincidence that we opened the book to this page because today I was naughty in class and was rude and mean to my teacher. In the end, we read a story about how being rude to women is wrong.