VIP Class Notes (Whitney) (R)


Review the words used in the “hangman” exercise


1985 – ninteen eighty five
2019 – two thousand nineteen
1991 – nineteen ninety-one

camera (n) 相机
We used a camera to take pictures during our holiday

boiler (n) 锅炉
The Titanic had a boiler on board to run the ship

luxury (n) 奢华
The Titanic had many luxury things on board.

panel (n) 板子
The wood panel on the floor is loose.



Singular = one thing
is = he/she
He is drinking coffee
She is reading a book

Plural = many things
are = they or “s” more than one thing
Donkeys are grey
Bees are not heavy
They are watching a movie


Titanic = ti-tan-ick

Palace = pa-lace

Crystal = kris-tal

Passenger = pass-en-jers

Gym = jim