VIP Class Notes (Whitney) [S + W]


Write a story about being loyal and patriotic.

Speaking exercise

Hobbies: I like to talk to my friends about transformers and heroes like Captain America and Iron Man.

Captain America’s name is Steve Rogers. He is an American war hero and incredibly strong.
Iron Man’s name is Tony Stark. He is an American inventor who is incredibly smart.

Captain America has great leadership qualities. He is loyal, fair and patriotic.
Iron Man is very capable. He is smart, confident and funny.

I like Captain America because he is the leader of Marvel.

Writing exercise

Loyal: You are nice to the people that care about you and you will never do anything to hurt or betray them.

Yuan Bao: you are a loyal friend.
W: thank you, I also think you are a loyal friend.

Fair: you treat everybody the same, no matter what.

W: I will give Yuan bao and Smile one candy each, that is fair.
Yuan Bao: Good. Because if you eat the big one and I eat the small one, that is not fair.

Patriotic: love your country
Yuan Bao: I am very patriotic just like Captain America, I love my China.

Yuan Bao: The Money King is very smart because he is the king of monkeys.

Confident: Sure of yourself
Yuan Bao: A good student is confident because they are hard working.

Yuan Bao: The clown is a funny guy because he is enjoys making people laugh.