VIP Class Notes (Whitney) [S]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Write about a time in your life that you got positive affirmation in the workplace.

  1. Affirmation [n] support or encouragement  from other people
    I got a lot of positive affirmation from my team about this new project. Their support is important and very encouraging.

Write about a time in your life that you felt very competitive:

  1. Competitive [adj] an attitude that is challenging or likes to compete
    She was very competitive whilst studying in college but also very generous with her knowledge.

Needs more review

Glory [n]

Personal glory – example
lose weight or become healthier. Goal: lose 5 kilos before Chinese New Year.
If you achieve this goal before Chinese New Year, you will feel glorious. (adj)

Professional glory – example
If you get a promotion or any sort of achievement, this is a professional glory.

Hero [n]

Q: Who is a hero that you admire?
A: Sherlock Holmes, because he is handsome, humorous and knowledgeable.

Words to describe Detective Sherlock Holmes: professional, street smart, intelligent.

Fame [n]

Q: Who is your favourite famous person or celebrity?
A: My favourite famous is Wang Lee Hom, he is a famous singer. Not only is he very handsome, but his songs are very good.

Words to describe Lee Hom’s songs: Soothing, memorable, addictive

Introvert [n]
Emma describes herself as an introvert because she prefers to spend time alone than around other people.

Extrovert [n]
Whitney is an extrovert because she enjoys being around other people, especially teaching new people English.


Soothing [adj] a feeling that helps you to relax
I like going for massages because I find them very soothing.

Massage [n] 按摩

Memorable [adj] unforgettable, something you will always remember
My first day at a new job is always very memorable.

Addictive [adj] something that you can’t stop enjoying
Wang Lee Hom’s music is addictive, I can’t stop listening to his songs.

Fake [adj] the opposite of real, not genuine, fraud
Sometimes people use fake money to buy things, this is illegal.

Girl Boss – 女è€æ¿ [n] informal
A successful woman who is a leader or founder within a company who has fantastic qualities that have allowed her to achieve many things.

  1. Be competitive and generous – you have a lot, but you’re willing to share and give to other people.
    Competitive [adj] an attitude that is challenging or likes to compete
    Generous [adj] a type of person who is willing to give more, someone who is kind.
    She was very competitive whilst studying in college but also very generous with her knowledge. 
  2. Strive for leadership positions – work hard to get higher position (promotion) or better jobs
    Leadership [n] a position where you need to manage a team or a company
    Leadership skills such as managing people, speaking in public and organising tasks are important for any girl boss. 
  3. Be unapologetically yourself – don’t regret being yourself
    Unapologetically [adj] never having the feeling of regret
    She was just being herself; unapologetically fabulous!
  4. Live a genuine life – to be true to yourself
    Genuine [adj] something that is true, real or sincere (real feeling)
    That handbag is a genuine Louis Vuitton from Paris. – to talk about things
    Her personality is completely genuine, enough though she is so successful. – to describe people
  5. Fall in love with your career – love your job
    Career [n] – its a job or occupation that you do for a long time
    My current career is in accounting, I have been an accountant for 3 years.
  6. Know that there’s a time and place for everything – aware of your surroundings
    Surroundings [n] environment, place that you are in e.g. workplace
    At work, we respect our surroundings and our colleagues by keeping our office clean, tidy and quiet.
  7. Don’t be afraid to be “the nerd” – don’t be afraid to be smart
    Nerd [n] someone who is very smart but not good at socialising.
    She was a nerd in high school but she really became more confident after learning English for a few years.
  8. Don’t bring down your fellow women – don’t discourage or put down other women
    Support and encourage other women to do great things.
  9. Build your reputation – how people think of you
    Reputation [n] public belief or opinion about somebody
    She has a great reputation for being the best accountant at our company.
  10. Do not seek affirmation – don’t always look for other people’s approval or opinion
    Affirmation [n] support or encouragement  from other people
    I got a lot of positive affirmation from my team about this new project. Their support is important and very encouraging.