VIP Class Notes (Whitney) (S)

Next Class Focus

Using -ing with “is”

Is she can do it 
Is she paying attention in class? – 上课的时候有注意力有没有集中
Yes, she is paying attention in class, she’s a good student.
No, she’s not paying attention in class and gets distracted easily. 

She likes playing.
Today is Saturday, so she is playing with her new toy at home.

You use “is” to describe something’s nature or status. The condition is passive.

The grass is green. It is not necessarily changing or acting in any way.

“IS” is also used to make a declaration.

The computer is working
The apple is red
The cat is fierce.

You use “does” to describe what action something is performing. The action is active. The computer is performing work.

“DOES” is used to say something is “actually” doing something

Can also be used for emphasis:

He does work hard.
Does he work hard?

“Does” can also be the singular of “do” :

He does medicine at college.
Does he study medicine in college?

Speaking exercise

“can do it” –

complete the class/do the class
understand the class
answer all the questions 

IS = 是或不是 简单直接的问题

Is she can do it 
Is she paying attention in class? – 上课的时候有注意力有没有集中
Yes, she is paying attention in class, she’s a good student.
No, she’s not paying attention in class and gets distracted easily.

Does she pay attention in class?
Does she take it seriously?

Is she taking it seriously? 上课认不认真
Yes, she is taking the class seriously.
No, she is not taking the class seriously.
Yes or no question

Is + ing
Is she liking the class?
Yes she is.

Does she feel hungry?
No, she doesn’t.

Is + ing
Is she feeling hungry?
Yes she is

Does she feel hungry?
No, she doesn’t.

DOES = 动作
Does she can do it
Does she understand the class?

Does she like the class?
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn’t.

Did she can do it
Did she answer all the questions? 



By is a versatile proposition which can be used in a number of situations. Today we take a look at some of its basic uses:

The way something is done
We use by to show how something is done:

We send a postcard or a letter by post.

We contact someone by phone or by email.

We pay for something by credit card or by cash.

Something happens by mistake, by accident or by chance.

We use by to show how someone travels:

They came by car/ by taxi/ by train/ by plane / by subway / by metro

Note: do not use ‘the’, ‘my’ or ‘a’ when you use ‘by’. Instead use:
‘On the plane.’
‘In my car.’
‘On a boat.’

I came to New York on my plane.
I came to New York by plane.
On the plane to New York.

We can also use by with –ing to show how something happened:

‘She passed her test by studying hard.’

‘I got into the house by using my key.’

‘By’ in passives  被动
In passive sentences we use by to show who or what did an action:

‘This was painted by Picasso.’

‘This house was built by my grandfather.’

‘I was invited by Sarah.’

‘This essay was written by my daughter.’

‘Our dinner was cooked by my husband.’

‘By’ with adjectives
By can be used after the following adjectives:

‘We were surprised by the news.’

I just saw him yesterday, ‘I was shocked by his death.’

‘She was astonished by his request’. re-que-est (请求)

Note: ‘at’ can also be used in the above sentences.

‘They were impressed by my exam result.’ (‘with’ can also be used)

‘By’ as ‘next to’
By is also used to mean ‘next to’ or ‘beside’.

‘My dog came and sat by me.’
‘My daugther is sitting next to me’
‘My daughter is sitting beside me’
‘My daughter came to sit by me’

Use ‘by’ for ‘an amount’
Take a look at this other use of by:

‘He is older than me by 3 years.’
‘These two bags are the same. But one is more expensive than the other.”*

‘We sell tomatoes by the kilo.’

‘By’ as ‘no later than’
In the following situations by means ‘on’ or ‘before’:

‘Give me your homework by Friday.’

‘The boy must be in bed by 9 o’clock.’

‘By’ as ‘alone’ 一个人/独立
By can be used with:


These all show someone or something being alone:

‘I stayed at home by myself and read the newspaper.’

‘The cat opened the door by himself.’