VIP Class Notes (Vicki)

Today we focused on:

Read two stories from the book ” How Dandy got home” and “Fun in the rain”


free – 免费的
i.e. The singing fish was free.

applause – 鼓掌 (noun.)
i.e. The children gave a big applause for Mr Potato.

garage – 仓库
i.e. They go to the garage to find the toys.

windmill – 风车
i.e. They saw the windmill in tiny land.

The Eiffel Tower – 埃菲尔铁塔

construction – 建筑
i.e. Mr Bear stopped everyone in front of the construction site.


There is many things to buy in the market. -> There are many things to buy in the market.

Mr Fox have everything. -> Mr Fox has everything.

have vs. has 

They have a big clap for the movie – They gave a big applause for the movie.

He go out a minute -> He goes out for a minute.

Mark 2 is not flying very well too -> Mark 2 is not flying very well either.

too vs. either
too -> positive sentence
i.e. You like milk, I like milk too
either -> negative sentence
i.e. You don’t like milk, I don’t like milk either.