VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


she barks to other dogs -> she barks at other dogs

he vs. she

past perfect tense
have + done sth.

I have meet a dog -> I have met a dog

80% of dogs will got this problem -> 80% of dogs will get this

Future simple tense
will + verb.

singular vs. plural subject + is/are
i.e. This apple is red.
ie.e Those two apples are green. 

singular vs. plural subject + do/does
i.e My dog does like chocolate.
i.e. My cats do like fish. 


beach [eeeee]

walk vs. work


hind leg – the legs in the back

surgery – shou shu

young – the opposite of old

socket – the place to hold the bone
a bone fall out of the socket – tuo jiu

pain tolerant / pain tolerance – take pain very well

pattern – hua wen

fresh water – dan shui

soil – tu

acidic – water that is more sour

domestically – within the country

headquarter – zong bu

fast paced – the lifestyle is very fast

process fee – the money you pay for someone to make something

restaurant – a place to eat

take advantage of / make a profile from – zhan plan yi

tourist sites – famous attractions

hygiene – noun. The cleanness of things

action figure – model of characters

economy noun. vs. economical adj.

globalization – the coming together of the world

planet – xing qiu


Review the vocab and write one sentence for each new word