VIP Class Notes (Vicki)

Today we focused on:

Today’s discussion focused on friendships


present tense vs. past tense 
i.e. Nowadays, I have many good friends.
i.e. In the past, I had many good friends.

past participles
Verb.ed – That was the first financial aid I got

ing vs. ed
embarrassing vs. embarrassed
i.e. That event was so embarrassing.
i.e. I was so embarrassed by that event.

They have a lot of common -> They have a lot in common

She had a very long hair -> She had very long hair.

That’s the story between I and my girlfriend -> That’s the story between me and my girlfriends

That don’t happen to me -> That doesn’t happen to me

talk vs. say
i.e. She talks about math.
i.e. She says “math is hard”.


smoke suction tube – the thing hanging from the ceiling in Korean restaurants

internet cafe – wang ba

comfort zone – area where people feel the most at ease



heart [h aR t]

buffet (silent t)

‘separate [sæ pe rate]

‘hypocrite [hi po krit]

boom [buuuuuum]


A: Tell me about a person that you think is successful